Student and Parent Handbook
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Dear Litchfield Families,
At Litchfield Elementary School District #79, we create an environment where every student can thrive. We want to highlight important information, including the Student Handbook, Discipline Matrix, and other essential policies to keep our community aligned with our values and goals.
Our community is guided by the Litchfield Learner principles: communication, character, teamwork, problem-solving, continuous learning, and content expertise. These values help our students become thoughtful, responsible, and engaged learners.
Student Handbook
The Student Handbook outlines expectations for behavior, attendance, dress code, and conduct. It is a valuable resource for understanding our standards and ensuring a safe, respectful, and productive environment.
Discipline Matrix
Our Discipline Matrix clearly defines consequences for infractions and ensures consistent discipline. It helps students understand the importance of their choices and encourages behavior that aligns with our Litchfield Learner values.
Other Policies & Information
Policies supporting student well-being and success include technology use, attendance, and other important information can be found on this page. Familiarizing yourselves with these policies will ensure a smooth and successful school year.
Open Communication
Effective communication between home and school is essential. Please feel free to contact your child school with any questions or concerns. We aim to work collaboratively with you to support your child's educational journey.
Thank you for your partnership and dedication to our Litchfield community. Let’s make this school year a great one!
Additional policies, information and guidelines
- A Parents Right to Know
- Attendance Policy
- Bullying, Harassment & Intimidation
- Celebrations and Birthdays
- Food Service
- Hazing
- Health & Nurse Information
- Honors (Middle School Only)
- LESD COPPA (Compliance Parental Consent)
- Lockers
- Math Advancement (Middle School)
- McKinney Vento Notice
- Progress Report & Report Cards
- Student Athlete - Physical Examination Requirement
- Student Concerns, Complaints & Grievances
- Student Directory Information
- Student Guidelines for Academics
- Student Surveys
- Use of Technology Resources In Instruction
A Parents Right to Know
A Parent’s Right to Know
As a parent of a student at the Litchfield Elementary School District, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask for certain information about your child’s classroom teachers and requires us to give you this information in a timely manner. Specifically, you have the right to ask for the following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers:
Whether the Arizona Department of Education has licensed or qualified the teacher for the grades and subjects he or she teaches.
Whether the Arizona Department of Education has decided that the teacher can teach in a classroom without being licensed or qualified under state regulations because of special circumstances.
The teacher’s college major, whether the teacher has any advanced degrees and, if so, the subject of the degrees.
Whether any teachers’ aides or similar paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if they do, their qualifications.
If you would like to receive any of this information, please call the Director of Human Resources, at 623-535-6000.
Attendance Policy
Attendance Policies and Procedures
Classroom instruction begins when the school day officially starts. As a result, when students come late to school or are tardy, they miss valuable instructional time. Over time, this can add up to a significant loss of instructional time that can negatively impact learning. The parent and the student share in the responsibility of the student arriving to class on time and being prepared to learn. Students arriving after the final morning bell are considered tardy and must report to the office for a pass to class. Tardies will be “excused” only when accompanied by written/verbal notification from the parent/guardian or doctor. All other tardies will be considered “unexcused” tardies. Chronic tardiness is very disruptive. This impacts not only the learning of the tardy child but also the learning of his or her fellow classmates. When students enter class late or leave early, teachers must stop their instruction and help the student to catch up with his or her peers.
Absence–Excused and Unexcused
Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) §15-901(A)(1), excused absences are identified by the Department of Education. The Department of Education defines an excused absence as an absence due to illness, doctor appointment, bereavement, family emergencies, and out-of-school suspensions. In order for absences relating to illness, doctor appointment, bereavement, family emergencies, or district approved family vacation to be counted as excused absences, the school must be notified in advance or at the time of any absence by the parent or other person who has custody of the student per Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) §15-807(B).
C.U.T.S.–Court Unified Truancy Suppression
School attendance is not only a good personal habit to prepare students for future employment, it is also state law. Arizona State Law (15-802.E, 15-803) requires every person who has custody of a child between the ages of 6 and 16 to make sure that the child attends school for the full time that school is in session unless the child is unable to attend due to illness or another legitimate reason. Since students cannot learn if they are not in school on a daily basis, the Litchfield Elementary School District participates in a partnership program with the Maricopa County Juvenile Court system called C.U.T.S. (Court Unified Truancy Suppression) program. We will be tracking attendance closely to make sure that all students are attending school on a regular and consistent basis.
Every student is expected to be at school every day unless there is a legitimate reason (such as illness) not to be. An absence is defined as a minimum of one missed class period per day. An unexcused absence will count as a “truant” day as defined by law. A student is “habitually truant” if s/he has five or more unexcused absences from school. A student that is absent more than 10% (18 days) of the required number of school days per year is considered to have “excessive absences” whether or not the absence is “excused” or “unexcused.”
When students have excessive absences, the school may cite the student and/or parent through the Juvenile Court C.U.T.S. program. When this action is taken, the student and parent/legal guardian will be required to attend a hearing at the Juvenile Court Center to address the issue. The Court may require the attendance of the parent and the child at a Saturday education class or require the child to attend work hours or counseling sessions as it deems appropriate. The parent will also be required to pay a fee of $50.00 to the Court. Parents who fail to comply with the court ordered actions might receive a citation. If convicted, parents face a Class 3 misdemeanor punishable by jail time and/or fines. Please work with your child to ensure that good school attendance habits are firmly established so this is never a concern.
Make-Up Work
When students are absent, the student will work with their teachers and obtain missed assignments upon their return. Students should get missed assignments completed and turned in to the teacher immediately. Homework requests require a 24-hour notice in order to properly prepare all necessary documents.
Bullying, Harassment & Intimidation
The Governing Board believes it is the right of every student to be educated in a positive, safe, caring, and respectful learning environment. The Board further believes a school environment inclusive of these traits maximizes student achievement, fosters student personal growth, and helps students build a sense of community that promotes positive participation as members of society.
The District, in partnership with parents, guardians, and students, shall establish and maintain a school environment based on these beliefs. The District shall identify and implement age-appropriate programs designed to instill in students the values of positive interpersonal relationships, mutual respect, and appropriate conflict resolution.
To assist in achieving a school environment based on the beliefs of the Governing Board, bullying, harassment or intimidation as defined by this policy will not be tolerated.
Governing Board Policies, Regulation and Exhibits:
- JICK - Student Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation
- JICK-R - Student Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation
- JICK-EA - Student Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation (report form)
- JICK-EB - Student Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation
Student Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation (Governing Board Policy Exhibit JICK-EB) Reference Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) §15-341.36
Celebrations and Birthdays
Health and Wellness Guidelines (Governing Board Policy JL)
As part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, our District implemented the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards. We want to spread a consistent message about the importance of healthier foods and beverages. To do this, we are asking that classroom celebrations reflect the healthy changes being made throughout the rest of the school building, such as in the cafeteria and other places where foods and beverages are sold and served to students. We are asking that celebrations include healthy choices instead of high fat, sugary options. For safety reasons, all food items brought to school must be store bought and in original packaging.
While it is at your discretion about the items you would like your child to bring for a class celebration, we are asking for your help in creating new celebration traditions that focus on non-food items or healthier foods and beverages. In support of these healthier options, we will limit birthday celebrations to once a month. The Food Service Department has several healthy options for families to choose from for celebrations. They can be found on the Food Service Department website or by contacting the department directly.
A guide to Smart Snacks can be accessed at this link: The Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Smart Snacks Product Calculator can be used to determine whether or not a product meets the requirements. It can be accessed at this link:
Food and beverage items sold outside of the menu items served in the National School Breakfast and National School Lunch Programs during the normal school day will supplement reimbursable meals. All food items served or offered (for sale) to students during the school day (from the midnight prior, to thirty (30) minutes after the end of the official school day) will meet all federal, state, and local standards for all nutrient and competitive food guidelines.
Food Service
Food Service
The goal of the Litchfield Elementary School District Food Service Department is to contribute to a school environment that enhances student achievement and provides healthy, nutritious, and appetizing meals for its students. Based on the premise that well-nourished students are better prepared to receive the instruction of the school day, the Food Service Department plays a vital role in each school's educational team. LESD79 participates in the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program and all meals comply with USDA nutrition requirements and standards.
Free and Reduced Priced Student Meals
Free and Reduced meal plans are available through the National School Lunch Program. Depending on family income, students may qualify for one free or reduced priced breakfast and lunch per day. We encourage all parents to apply. You may do so online at Paper applications are also available at all school offices and cafeterias. Students who qualified for free and reduced meals for the previous school year keep the same status for thirty (30) days at the beginning of the current school year per USDA regulations. A new application is required each school year. If one is not received within thirty (30) days of the beginning of the school year, parents/guardians will be charged for meals until the new application is received and approved. Applications can take up to ten (10) business days to process during which time parents/students are responsible for meal charges.
Meal Payments
Students may choose to eat a cafeteria breakfast and lunch meal each day. Menus are posted on the District website or on the TITAN Family Portal ( All students have a meal account with their student ID numbers. Monthly prepayments are encouraged. Payments made with a check, money order, or cash will be accepted every day until 9:00 a.m., or you may use the online payment option on the website at where you can access your child’s account balance. LESD79 has a NO CHARGE policy. Students without sufficient funds in their accounts will be given an alternative meal. A limit of three alternative meals is allowed. Please make sure you are up to date on your child’s meal account because we enjoy seeing all the happy faces coming through our lunch lines. If you have any questions, please call the school cafeteria or the Food Service Office at 623-535-6060 or by email at
There shall be no hazing, solicitation to engage in hazing, or aiding and abetting another who is engaged in hazing of any person enrolled, accepted for or promoted to enrollment, or intending to enroll or be promoted to District schools within twelve (12) calendar months.
Governing Board Policies, Regulation and Exhibits:
- JICFA - Hazing
- JICFA-R - Hazing
- JICFA-EA - Hazing (report form)
- JICFA-EB - Hazing
Hazing (Governing Board Policy Exhibit JICFA-EB) – Reference Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) §15-2301
Health & Nurse Information
The school nurse is the consultant for students concerning health problems. The school nurse cannot diagnose health conditions. If a student is injured or becomes ill at school, they should report to his/her teacher and obtain a pass to the nurse. The nurse will call the parent when necessary.
Parents, please be aware of your child’s health before sending them to school. A child who is ill runs the risk of infecting others.
Concussions (Governing Board Policy JJIB-Interscholastic Sports)
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury, or TBI, caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that can change the way (the) brain normally works. Concussions can also occur from a fall or a blow to the body that causes
the head and brain to move quickly back and forth.” Contrary to popular belief, most concussions are not associated with unconsciousness, or being “knocked out.” A concussion can range from a mild (brief change in mental status or consciousness) to a severe injury resulting in a
extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia after the injury. Depending on the severity of the concussion, the side effects may last from no more than a few seconds to many, many months. All concussions should be considered serious. Following a concussion, even a mild one, a subsequent impact injury can slow recovery and increase the probability of long-term health problems. In rare cases, multiple concussions within a short period of time can even be fatal. For this reason, the Litchfield Elementary School District takes head injuries very seriously.
The District also follows the Arizona Interscholastic Association (AIA) policy on heat acclimatization and exertional heat illness.
Drug Testing Kits
Drug testing kits are available at no charge at each middle school. Parents can request a kit to administer at home if they suspect drug use.
Emergency Resources
Emergency resources are available in times of crisis. No matter what the reasons, when you feel like giving up, DON’T. You are not alone. Teen Lifeline is there to listen and help. Please call 602-248-8336 (TEEN) or 800-248-8336 (TEEN).
Immunizations (Governing Board Policy JLCB)
All students must be current on all immunizations. Please check the Arizona Department of Health Services website for up to date immunization information at or consult your child’s school nurse.
Please be aware that the District carries no insurance on students. Coverage for injuries sustained at school will need to be secured by parents, either through personal individual/group policies or through an accident policy. Student health insurance information is available on the District website at
Medical Devices
In the case that your child requires the assistance of a medical device such as a cane, wheelchair, medical boot, crutches, cast, brace, sling, or any other device used to assist as a medical support or intervention, it is required that parent/guardian notify the school nurse and/or provide orders from a health care provider. Medical devices are not available or provided by the school.
Prevention of Communicable Diseases
To help prevent the spread of communicable diseases such as flu, common cold, bacteria, and viruses, it is extremely important to follow hand washing protocol as provided by the Arizona Department of Health Services. It is also required that students are fever free for at least 24 hours and without the use of fever-reducing agents such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen, before sending them to school. (
Please visit for the most updated information in regards to COVID mitigating measures.
Student Medications (Governing Board Policy JLCD)
Students requiring medicine during school hours, including over-the-counter (OTC) medicine, must have a parent/guardian’s written permission form on file for each new school year. All prescription medication, including Epi-pens and inhalers, must be brought to the school nurse by the parent/guardian in the original prescription packaging as set up at the pharmacy. The parent/guardian must sign a consent form to administer prescriptions during school hours. A physician’s signature may be required on this form. Federal law prohibits administering medication to anyone other than the person it is prescribed for. The Health Center has a supply of generic Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl for emergency allergic reactions, antacids, and throat lozenges for students with a consent form on file signed by a parent/guardian. All prescription and OTC medications will be administered from the health office. This includes any over-the-counter medicine such as throat lozenges (cough drops), Tylenol, etc.
Students Needing an Excuse from P.E. Participation
All students requesting an excuse from P.E. must bring a signed note to the nurse from his/her parent. The nurse will then write an “Excused from P.E.” pass for the student. Any excuse over one week must be accompanied by a doctor’s written note.
Honors (Middle School Only)
Honors Program (Middle School)
The Honors Program in the Litchfield Elementary School District has been designed to provide an opportunity for our most highly competent and academically able students to demonstrate their excellence. Entrance into the LESD Honors Program is a rigorous endeavor most appropriate for highly motivated students whose academic abilities and talents span across the entire curriculum spectrum.
The goal of this program is to provide students who have advanced intellectual, academic, and/or creative capabilities the opportunity to dynamically interact with a team of academic specialists. In addition, students will work with peers of similar aptitude within a rigorous, interdisciplinary learning environment in order to reach their highest level of learning and accomplishment.
Differentiation in environment, instructional methods, process, and product expectations provide appropriate educational experiences for these students. Students are provided with a rigorous interdisciplinary core curriculum of Language Arts, Reading, Math, Science, and History/Social Studies. Students may also have an opportunity to explore areas of interest in depth through independent research.
Program Entrance Criteria
The identification process to determine eligibility for the LESD Honors Program is an inclusive rather than exclusive procedure. The Litchfield Elementary School District is committed to identifying students from any ethnic background, socioeconomic condition, or geographic location in the District.
Program Expectations
It is the expectation that the LESD Honors Program will benefit the students within the program as well as the school. The program is designed around these expected outcomes:
Higher academic gains on standardized testing measures
Challenging, extended curriculum
Differentiated process, product, and learning environment
Higher levels of self-confidence and self-reliance among students
Increased parent involvement and satisfaction
Access to a mode for educational excellence, and best practice research
Increase teacher expectations of students
Attendance Expectations
Excellent attendance is mandatory for success in the LESD Honors Program. It is recommended that students be in attendance at least 95% of the time to be successful.
Academic Expectations
Students are expected to maintain at least a “C” in every class. A quarter grade of “D” or “F” will signal a review process through a conference with parents, which may result in probationary status in the program. If necessary, intervention strategies will be implemented, documented, and assessed by the academic team and administration to maximize the opportunity for success of every student.
Behavior Expectations
Behavior must be appropriate to the situation and setting. Students in the program are responsible for personal and interactive behavior. They will be expected to display appropriate learning behaviors in any situation and not interfere with the learning of others. Persistent inappropriate behavior will signal a review process through a conference with parents, which may result in probationary status in the program. If necessary, intervention strategies will be implemented, documented, and assessed by the academic team and administration to maximize the opportunity for success of every student.
LESD COPPA (Compliance Parental Consent)
LESD COPPA (Compliance Parental Consent)
Litchfield Elementary School District (LESD) is committed to providing students with the most effective web-based tools and applications for learning. In order to do so, we abide by federal regulations that require parental consent as outlined below.
As required by the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA), LESD has technology measures and policies in place which protect students from harmful materials. Email and websites are filtered so that content from inappropriate sites is blocked. For more information on CIPA, please visit
Our district utilizes several computer software applications and web-based services operated by third parties. In order for our students to use these programs and services, certain basic information (generally student name, username, and email address) must be provided to the website operator. Under the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) law, these websites must notify parents and obtain parental consent before collecting information from children under 13 years of age. For more information on COPPA, please visit
The law permits schools, such as those in LESD, to consent to the collection of this information on behalf of all of its students, thereby eliminating the need for individual parental consent given directly to each website provider. Under the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), verifiable parental consent is required for students under the age of thirteen (13) if accounts containing this information are created for them on third party websites or online services. Limited information for your child consisting of first name, last name, birth date, username and email address may be provided to the online resource for the purpose of securing confidential credentials and access for the student. This information will remain confidential and will not be shared except for providing online programs solely for the benefit of students and the school system. Under no circumstances will student information be used by third party websites for commercial purposes.
Lockers (Middle School)
Students should be reminded that items placed in their lockers are their responsibility and that the school assumes no liability for items taken from lockers.
Students should be reminded:
Student lockers are the property of the school system and remain at all times under the control of the school system.
The school system retains the right to inspect student lockers for any reason, at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.
Students are completely responsible for all items found in the locker as well as being financially liable for any damage occurring to the locker.
Locker combinations or locks will not be changed without school authorization.
Students are not to share lockers or combinations unless authorized by school personnel.
In the case of increased student enrollment, lockers may or may not be available.
Math Advancement (Middle School)
Math Advancement (Middle School)
A student receiving a qualifying score on the Fall District Math Assessment may be considered for math advancement. Results from the District math placement assessment, along with observations of student behavior and social interactions, will be compiled. To best meet academic needs, the student may place in an advanced math class or receive enrichment in their current math course, based on the results of the District placement assessment and evaluation of additional qualifying indicators, as denoted above. Advanced placement for 6th and 7th grade
students is defined as advancing levels of math instruction and may also include online supplemental courses appropriate for the student’s needs. For 8th grade, advanced placement may consist of attending a math class in a neighboring high school or equivalent, or taking online courses appropriate to the student’s needs.
Students who enroll in the District after the administration of the Fall District Math Assessment may be given the opportunity to take the District Math Placement Assessment upon parent and/or teacher request.
McKinney Vento Notice
McKinney-Vento Annual Notice
McKinney-Vento eligible students have the right to:
Receive a free, appropriate public education.
Enroll in school immediately, even if lacking documents normally required for enrollment.
Enroll in school and attend classes while the school gathers needed documents.
Enroll in the local school; or continue attending their school of origin (the school they attended when permanently housed or the school in which they were last enrolled), if that is their preference.
* If the school district believes that the school selected is not in his/her best interest, then the district must provide the student with a written explanation of its position and inform the student of his/her right to appeal its decision.
Receive transportation to and from the school of origin, if requested.
Receive educational services comparable to those provided to other students, according to the student’s needs.
Progress Report & Report Cards
Progress Reports/Report Cards
Parents have access to progress reports and report cards through ParentVUE. Please discuss the grades and comments with your child. Contact the teacher with any concerns or questions. The parent/guardian must acknowledge the grade report through ParentVUE.
Grading Criteria
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = 59% and below
A grade mark is an indicator of academic performance/progress.
The teacher will provide student/parent(s) with evidence of academic performance/progress throughout the reporting period.
The grading system will be explained to students by each teacher.
A grade mark should not be used punitively, nor awarded for non-academic purposes.
Citizenship shall be evaluated separately. Comments on report cards will be noted as “E” for Excellent, “S” for Satisfactory, “N” for Needs Improvement, and “U” for Unsatisfactory.
Grades are a reflection of independent mastery of standards and will not be used to measure effort, compliance, group work, homework, or behavior.
Grades are tied directly to a standard and entered into the grade book under the standard being assessed.
Students will have the opportunity to replace assessment grades with the most current score after further practice with the material.
Student Athlete - Physical Examination Requirement
Litchfield Elementary School District Governing Board policy, JLCA. All student athletes must have a sports physical completed by a licensed physician and provide proof of insurance prior to trying out for any school-sanctioned sports.
The following sports are included in this requirement:
Fall Sports: Soccer - Volleyball
Winter Sports: Basketball - Cheerleading
Spring Sports: Baseball - Softball - Track
These measures are in place to ensure that each student is physically prepared for the demands of their chosen sport and has the necessary medical coverage in case of injury. A sports physical helps identify any potential health issues that could be exacerbated by athletic activity, and insurance ensures that any medical needs can be promptly and effectively addressed.
Student Concerns, Complaints & Grievances
Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances
A copy of the exhibit providing for student complaints or grievances regarding an alleged violation of their constitutional rights, equal access to programs, discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying or personal safety must be made available to parents and students. [Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) §15-341] Also refer to Policies JICK - Student Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation and JICL Dating Abuse for posting and for information to be disseminated to students, parents and staff.
Student Directory Information
A notice of student record privacy rights and a list of items proposed to be used as 'directory information' shall be distributed to all students, parents, and transfer students at the time of enrollment and/or annually at the beginning of the school year. [20 U.S.C. 1232 et seq. and Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) §15-141]
Student Guidelines for Academics
Student Guidelines Academics
Advisor/Advisee (Middle School)
The Advisor-Advisee Program is unique to the middle school philosophy, which embraces the idea that middle school students are at a transitional point in their education and hence have unique needs. This program provides structured activities in the homeroom. During this time student concerns and interests are discussed, communication links established, academic counseling occurs, and a forum for the democratic process is provided. The homeroom teacher establishes an advocacy role for the students; and in cooperation with the students and the student advisor may schedule parent conferences, mini-presentations by community sources, and specific special events.
The student advisor assists with this program, and is also available to provide more in-depth advisement for students as well as serve as a link to specialized referral sources.
The Litchfield Elementary School District will periodically test all students in grades K-8 using standardized/authentic assessment.
Entrance Age Requirements–Kindergarten and 1st Grade (Governing Board Policy JEB and Regulation JEB-R)
The District will conduct a Kindergarten Early Entrance Assessment for students who reside within district boundaries and turn five (5) on or before December 31, 2024 if requested by the parent. Administration will make decisions for early entrance into kindergarten based on the child's assessment results. Additional information can be found on our website.
Children who have attended kindergarten in a previous district or school and who will be 6 years old prior to January 1 may be considered for placement into first grade. Students will initially be placed in kindergarten for up to six (6) weeks while the teacher and/or principal conduct assessments and observe the child’s behavior and social interactions. Based on the results of the data and observations, the principal will meet
with parents to discuss a final placement and create a plan that best meets the needs of the student. Final placements are made at the principal’s discretion.
In keeping with the belief that reinforcement of learned skills leads to academic success, teachers may assign homework. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in all completed homework when due.
Student Surveys
Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) §15-117 - Surveys; pupil information; parental permission and informed consent; exceptions; penalties; definitions: Notwithstanding any other law, each school district and charter school shall obtain written informed consent from the parent of a pupil before administering any survey that solicits personal information about the student regarding the fourteen (14) topics listed in statute. The district will send the proposed survey to parents seven (7) days before administering the survey. [See the specific language in the law for additional information pertaining to Student Surveys].
Use of Technology Resources In Instruction
Policy IJNDB — Use of Technology Resources In Instruction
The District provides electronic information services (EIS) like the internet, networks, and databases to students, staff, and teachers for educational purposes. Users must follow District guidelines. Misuse can result in loss of access and possible disciplinary action. The District uses internet filters and monitoring to protect against inappropriate content and ensure safety, especially for minors, in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
Each user must sign an EIS agreement. The District logs and monitors system use and may close accounts if necessary. It is not liable for any lost, damaged, or unavailable data.
Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI can enhance student learning when used ethically and responsibly. Teachers should guide AI use in the classroom, ensure students understand plagiarism and citation standards, and seek approval from administrators. AI resources should be accessible to all students and comply with data privacy laws, including FERPA.
Filtering and Internet Safety
In compliance with CIPA, the District uses technology filters to block inappropriate content and monitors student online activity. Restrictions cover access to inappropriate material, security in online communication, unauthorized access, and misuse of personal information.
Education, Supervision, and Monitoring
District staff are responsible for ensuring appropriate use of the District’s network and educating students on internet safety, including the dangers of cyberbullying and social media. Training will be provided, but the policy is effective immediately. The Superintendent will oversee policy implementation and monitoring.
Parent Notification
Parents will be informed about the District’s technology use policies and their right to opt-out of their child’s internet access at school.